TRAVELER'S notebook Pen Holder LOVE AND TRIP Red - release end April
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Worlwide release April 24th - Limited Edition
This is the pen holder for TRAVELER'S notebook LOVE AND TRIP. The clip is laser engraved with the LOVE AND TRIP logo and has a red leather holder.
This is a clip type holder to clip your pen onto the TRAVELER’S notebook. For this size, pens up to a diameter of 12mm can be inserted to the holder. This holder can be used both in the regular and passport sized TRAVELER’S notebook.
- Metal clip, Leather pen holder
- H24 x W65 x D10mm
- H53 x W120 x D10mm (Package)
LOVE AND TRIP Limited edition
LOVE AND TRIP began as a Valentine's gift theme for TRAVELER'S FACTORY. The feeling of loving something and traveling are the two things we have always valued the most in creating TRAVELER'S notebooks.
When we thought about the theme for the diary in 2025, we felt that now was the perfect time to use these words, so we took them up as our message. And as we look at the world again in 2025, we realize that we should transmit LOVE AND TRIP even more than we did then.
The leather cover of TRAVELER'S notebook LOVE AND TRIP is red. The red color of the tricolor is said to signify friendship, and red roses symbolize love. Red is also associated with life and passion and is a color that gives one the energy to begin a new journey.
We have wanted to create a red TRAVELER'S notebook for several years, and had been repeatedly making prototypes of leather. When a deep red leather like burgundy was finished, I knew I wanted to use this leather to create a LOVE AND TRIP themed TRAVELER'S notebook.
The refill features a red cover with a LOVE AND TRIP-themed design stamped in foil, with an MD PAPER Cream inside and a letterpress-printed message card. Give it to someone you meet on your travels with a message of love.
Look to love each other rather than hate each other. Declare that you love what you love, rather than belittle what you hate. If you travel more and talk about what you love with someone you meet, you may create a warm and intimate connection with love all over the world. We would be happy if TRAVELER'S notebook LOVE AND TRIP could be the catalyst for that.