TRAVELER'S notebook Passport Size Refill 2024 Monthly

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This is 2024 Diary Monthly for TRAVELER’S notebook Passport Size.

The size of this refill is exactly the same as the passport we carry, so it’s suitable for using this as a sub-planner. Also, the size makes it nice to record anniversaries and birthdays of the people you like. This planner uses the MD paper so the feeling you get from writing is simply great.

There is a Guide and a customized sticker included.



TRAVELER’S TOWN has been quiet for the past few years, but it seems that recently, the travelers are back in our town. Travelers are getting off at the train station and airport one after another. Hotels that had been deserted for a long time are now crowded with travelers. At a coffee shop, I can hear unfamiliar conversations in foreign languages from the table next to me. Our record store is also selling records of local bands at a rapid pace. As I opened my TRAVELER’S notebook at my favorite diner over a cup of coffee as usual, a fellow traveler said to me: “I use the same notebook as you do”. We then got to talking and went for a drink together. Looking through his notebook, which was filled with the records of his travels, made me want to go on another trip.

The return of travelers brings life back to the town and reminds me of the joy of travel that I had forgotten for a while. The mixture of travelers from all over the world talking with locals makes it seem as if our town has become a destination, and we can spend our days as if we are traveling. Their tales pique the curiosity of travelers and encourage them to set out on a journey to a new world.

We hope that in 2024, we can travel freely all over the world. When you are ready to travel, why not start by visiting TRAVELER’S TOWN? Wherever you are in the world, we look forward to welcoming you.



Brand Traveler's Company
Series Traveler's Notebook Passport Size
Color Red
Edition Limited
Made in Japan
Paper Size TN Passport
Diaries Layout Weekly
Ruling Type Planner
Paper Color Ivory
Paper Weight N.D.
Number of Pages 48
Cover Type Flex
Binding Stapled
Height 124 mm
Width 89 mm